Winnie's Birth Story

Everyone thought I would go early this time around. I was huge (really I was appropriately big for a second baby…still, my mom thought for sure I was having twins). Charlotte showed up on her due date, and when my due date came and went, I was getting a bit antsy. I kept adding things to my to do list that already included the go to suggestions for inducing labor. I cleaned the house and had to clean it again. I got groceries and had to get groceries again. 

It felt like forever, but it was only four days past my due date when I woke up with some contractions that started to feel more like the real thing. I encouraged them along with a little nipple stimulation as I considered whether or not to have James stay home from work. It was 7:30, and the contractions were mild, short, and 6-7 minutes apart. James was tired anyways, so I told him that he should stay home to see if this develops into anything. 

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Felix's Birth Story

It was a Sunday. We went shopping for a couch to furnish the living room in our new house. The salesman told us two other pregnant women had come in recently too, and ended up giving birth the next day. I’m not sure how he knew that, but anyway, I was sick of people making comments about when I would pop, but I was nice to him anyway. We picked a couch and a chair and went home. Later, we were watching The Walking Dead, and about half way through (about 9:30), I started having a few contractions. Guess the salesman called it.

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Joanna Elise Gabriella Birth Story

Our precious little girl is such a miracle! She is our sixth baby, but the first that we have been given the gift of bringing into the world and shepherding. Part of me cannot believe it has been almost a year—I had planned to do this much sooner—it has actually been written since May, but alas! ☺). However, the gift of learning the art of surrender with which Debbie and Claudia blessed me with has proved a more challenging lesson than I thought—which serves to prove how much I need to focus on embracing surrender. I am realizing that part of the reason that I could not write this until four months after her birth really had very little to do with having not watched the video all the way through (although it was enlightening—there were a few things that did not remember and that I was surprised by—namely that I was actually pretty sweet to everyone, even funny at times, that I called out to The Lord for help when I needed it most, and that I could transition so quickly to being this little one's mama—more on that later), but that I still feel I'm in the birth process. 

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Jac 7/17/08 and Jake 12/15/12 Birth Stories

Back in 2007 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child, an acquaintance that lived in Florida told me all about her water births. I then did a lot of research and bought several books and decided from that point I would seek out a natural pregnancy and birth. Of course, at that point I didn't know that you weren't "allowed" to have a home birth in GA. And the OB/GYN I had at that time did not have those same feelings about even a "natural" birth. In fact, she told me her sister had a home birth and she is now estranged from her (very sad). She also proceeded to tell me a few medical fibs like the epidural doesn't get to the fetus, etc. Which was later referenced in the PDR as being completely untrue. So after that appointment, I stopped by a local herb shop and asked them about midwives. I figured they'd know about natural birth and possibly know a local midwife.

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Charlotte Jean's Birth Story

The night before my guess date, I had some quality time with James, my husband. I had convinced him that we needed to take advantage of every opportunity to be intimate since we wouldn’t be able to for weeks after the baby was born (a much more enticing way of asking him to insert some prostaglandin-rich semen near my cervix to soften things up). I fell asleep to a hypnosis track like I did every night and woke up when I felt something that was a bit different than all the braxton hicks I had been having. I looked at the clock--it was 1:50 am. I felt it again and decided to get up and go to the bathroom. The second I moved, I felt a trickle down my leg--pretty sure I had just leaked some amniotic fluid. I was giddy thinking that this was probably going to be the day--and on my guess date none the less. I knew I should get some sleep. I decided to do a fear clearing session since my water was leaking, and I didn’t want to worry about infection or worry about labor not really starting for a long time. I was still awake when that track finished, and then I listened to Birthing Day Affirmations. 

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